Returns policy

  • Unwanted items must be returned within 14 days of receipt to qualify for a refund. We are unable to exchange unwanted items with a different item.
  • For any damaged items please notify and email us along with a photo within 24 hours of receiving the goods at Please do not return without contacting us first.
  • Please ensure all items are packaged securely and sufficiently to withstand delivery.
  • Please note that refunds cannot be issued until we have received the original items back to our office.
  • We recommend that you use insured registered delivery and keep the receipt and tracking info. We cannot accept liability for goods lost or damaged in transit.
  • All orders will be refunded within five working days of receipt of your return. Refunds may take up to 10 days to clear in your account.
  • We cannot be responsible for interest charges made by your credit card company whilst waiting for returns to be refunded to your card.

Please return orders to:

Cosy Hygge Co, 352 Hurcott Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2QN